"Time is how we humans tame the wild out of the child." I loved that. So true. I read a comment from another reader that called you a healer and that has to be the greatest 'thing to be' in the whole wide world (my child told me to say that). You are our eyes. You've chosen to dig deep and go for the sensitive and scary topics of grief and loneliness. You are not afraid, and I am so grateful for that.

I didn't answer the second question because I don't really do anything but zoom. I am intimated by technology! Thank you for being who you are in a world that needs you so much.

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Hello, dear Malinda. I love that you resonated with that line. Thank you also for your kind and supportive feedback. I can't say that I'm not afraid. Instead. Instead, I step through the afraid part, whenever I can, like a threshold, as often wonderful possibilities wait on the other side. Yes, I understand about the second question. No worries. I think the best 'social media' is happening right here. Be well, be curious, and don't afraid to be you. You are a very good thing to be, and the only one who can do it 🌞

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"Time is how we humans tame the wild out of the child." I loved that. So true. I read a comment from another reader that called you a healer and that has to be the greatest 'thing to be' in the whole wide world (my child told me to say that). You are our eyes. You've chosen to dig deep and go for the sensitive and scary topics of grief and loneliness. You are not afraid, and I am so grateful for that.

I didn't answer the second question because I don't really do anything but zoom. I am intimated by technology! Thank you for being who you are in a world that needs you so much.

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Thank you, Kimberley. I find your insights so helpful. I steer away from social media because I got scammed quite badly on FB a few years ago. I am curious about Threads though and will look into it. As for your other question, I must tell you that I lost my son during covid and NOBODY not a single therapist would see me in person (and zoom was just not going to cut it for me) -- consequently, I really identify with your recent video teaching about being so isolated for so long and having it all become toooo familiar. I really REALLY appreciate your very well thought-out posts and therefore clicked the box "monthly zoom meetings" as a way to connect with you. Normally, I would never, but you are a healer in this unfortunate space that so many people are in. And I thank you.

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Hi, Cindy, and good to connect again. I understand about social media, as I'm not active anywhere right now, though some have suggested I could be helpful by working with one of the platforms, so, we'll see. I also understand about very real Zoom fatigue. One plus to it is that between my book, Grieving Us: A Field Guide for Living With Loss Without Losing Yourself, and Virtual platforms such as Zoom, I've been able to connect with people literally around the world . . . including you :-) I know many working through grief or traumatic experiences find they don't have local support, and the ability to find kindred spirits online has filled a void. I can only imagine how alone you felt in your loss. I think many of us are still recovering from what I call a Pandemic hangover. It makes my heart happy that you are finding supportive takeaways from what I share in writing or as part of virtual/video programs. Thank you so very much for taking a moment to share these insights and connect. I'm touched and grateful. Wishing you much love and light 🌞

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